Today is publication day! My book is out in the world.
I finally had the joy of opening a box of paperbacks and holding one in my hands.
This has literally been years in the making.
I starting writing short stories as a teen, mostly to entertain my friends. Then as a young adult, I had one of those terrible experiences where other people’s opinions stopped me cold.
And yet, even though my initial dreams of writing for others were dashed by a terrible case of “I’m not good enough,” I kept writing for myself. Bits and pieces here and there.
Then a long-time friend of mine wrote and published a book, and I suddenly felt the need to try again. With her help, I found the GCLS Writing Academy program. Now, three years later, my dream has become a reality.
Thank you for sharing in my joy, and I hope each of you finds something that resonates with you when you read my novel.