Even if I’ve been somewhere many times, I still wonder if my recollection is truly correct. Particularly, if the place is historical and halfway around the world, or if I haven’t seen it in a decade, or if I’ve never seen it at all.
When I started my manuscript, I collected images of period appropriate clothing, weaponry, etc., in a folder on my computer, but that quickly became useless. I’m one of those people who is cursed, needing things to be visible or I forget they exist.
My work-in-progress (WIP) outline is currently a serious of post-it-notes stuck to a six-foot long piece of white craft paper, attached to my living room wall with painter’s tape. Fortunately, few people have seen this addition to the décor since the pandemic started, and it is easy to roll up and put away.
I decided to put my Pinterest account to better use than collecting Halloween costume ideas. Instead, I started boards collecting inspiration for the housing, clothing, weaponry, tools and landscapes of my WIP. Genius! Why hadn’t I thought of this earlier?
Granted, my novel is not set in Medieval Europe and is not historical fiction. It’s fantasy. So technically, I could create anything my heart desires. But I prefer to have the realism of the pre-Tudor period infused in the DNA of the world.
Thank you to whoever realized there was a need for mood boards online and created a useful product. Useful for aspiring authors like me.